
I am a permanent research fellow of CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research). I’m currently working in the WOOD Team of LMGC, a joined Laboratory between CNRS and University of Montpellier.

My research interests have been focused for nearly twenty-five years on developing an « ethno-bio-physical » vision of woods. My work focuses on connections between different fields: the relationship between artisanal and scientific knowledge on wood; the intertwining between the complexity of physical behaviour and the botanical diversity of wood; the intertwining between biological and cultural diversity; the relationship between humans and wood in lutherie and in traditional crafts. My historical « field » study is on wood uses by musical instrument makers, but this is expanding to other fields of wood crafts.

Contact details:

Iris Brémaud, Wood Team, LMGC, CNRS UMR5508

Post address: UM cc048, 163 rue Auguste Broussonnet, 34090 Montpellier

Delivery/Visit: 860 rue St Priest, 34090 Montpellier (link to how to come to lab)

E-mail: iris.bremaud_AT_cnrs.fr

Other websites:


