

 I’m currently a CNRS research fellow at Laboratoire de Mécanique et Génie Civil, a joined research laboratory between the Université of Montpellier and the CNRS. I’m the head of the MéTICE group (canique Théorique, Interface et Changement d’Echelle).

My domains of research are computational contact mechanics, numerical tribology and modeling of granular material.
I am involved in the development of LMGC90, an OpenSource plateform dedicated to the modeling of multi-contact systems.

Contact: Mathieu.Renouf [at] umontpellier [dot] fr

Laboratoire de Mécanique et Génie Civil
UMR 5508
Université de Montpellier
CC048 Place Eugène Bataillon,F-34096 Montpellier cedex – FRANCE
tel: +33 (0) 467 14 96 35