PMMD is a research team of the LMGC , a joint research laboratory of the CNRS and University of Montpellier. Our goal is to develop an original approach to the physics and mechanics of discrete materials, including sub-micron colloidal systems, fine powders and granular materials and covering a broad range of scales and applications. We are interested in both fundamental understanding of the behavior of these materials and their realistic modeling in view of application to powder technology, soil mechanics, building materials, geomaterials, environmental processes, soft matter and biomaterials. For the list of publications, follow this link.
Farhang Radjai
Head of the team
CNRS Research Director (DR1)
Office phone: +33 (0)4 67 14 35 06
Cell phone: +33 (0)6 86 38 58 63
Last update: 22 nov. 2019