Souple et solide: comment la matière élastique se déforme-t-elle? (paper in French) refdp2017-55p18
by Serge Mora and Yves Pomeau
Matière en grains (book in French)
by Etienne Guyon, Jean-Yves Delenne and Farhang Radjai
published by Odile Jacob
Powders and Grains (Editorial and papers)
by Farhang Radjai, Saeid Nezamabadi, Stefan Luding and Jean-Yves Delenne
Moreau’s Contact Dynamics simulations
Designing climate-friendly concrete, from the nanoscale up
Designing climate-friendly concrete, from the nanoscale up | MIT News
Some statistics about research on granular materials during the last decade
by W.-F. Oquendo and N. Estrada