Force chains and contact network topology in sheared packings of elongated particles

Emilien Azéma and Farhang Radjai, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 85, 031303 (2012)

A snapshot of the force-bearing particles and normal forces represented by the thickness of the segments joining the particle centers to the application point of the force. The strong and weak forces are in black and red (dark gray), respectively. The diameter of the yellow (light gray) circle is proportional to Im at the contact.

By means of contact dynamic simulations, we investigate the contact network topology and force chains in two-dimensional packings of elongated particles subjected to biaxial shearing. The morphology of large packings of elongated particles in quasistatic equilibrium is complex due to the combined effects of local nematic ordering of the particles and orientations of contacts between particles. The effect of elongation on shear behavior and dilatancy was investigated in detail in a previous paper [Azéma and Radjai, Phys. Rev. E 81, 051304 (2010)]. Here, we show how particle elongation affects force distributions and force-fabric anisotropy via various local structures allowed by steric exclusions and the requirement of force balance. We find that the force distributions become increasingly broader as particles become more elongated. Interestingly, the weak force network transforms from a passive stabilizing agent with respect to strong force chains to an active force-transmitting network for the whole system. The strongest force chains are carried by side-side contacts oriented along the principal stress direction.